
What is Castopod Index?

Castopod Index is a list of Castopod powered podcasts.
All podcasts are fetched from the PodcastIndex .
Analytics are fetched from OP3 (Open Podcast Prefix Project).

You may follow any podcast from the Fediverse (eg. from your Mastodon home server) by clicking on the “Follow” buttons.

You may search podcasts thanks to these three fields:

  • Text search in podcast title, author and handle
  • Language
  • Podcast category
Note that you may copy the URL for a specific search and share it or bookmark it.

Castopod Index provides many informations about Castopod Podcasts:

  • Podcast image cover
  • Podcast title
  • Explicit content warning
  • Podcast Fedivers nickname: this allows you to copy the podcast handle and paste it on Mastodon (for instance) to interact with podcasters without any middleman.


  • Podcast RSS feed
  • Podcast Language


  • Link to OP3 analytics when available
  • Links to the podcast on the platforms where it is available (according to the podcaster)
  • Author name
  • Category
  • Podcast publication interval (first episode → last episode)
    Dec 2020 → Jan 2024
  • All Podcasting 2.0 tags enabled for this podcast
  • a one minute sound clip from the last episode

What is Castopod?

Castopod is an open-source podcast hosting platform designed for podcasters who want to maintain control over their content and engage directly with their audience.

Key features and aspects of Castopod include:

  1. Open-Source: Being open-source, Castopod allows users to modify, distribute, and use the software freely. This is particularly appealing for those who want to customize their podcasting experience or integrate it with other systems.
  2. Self-Hosting Capability: Castopod enables podcasters to host their podcasts on their own servers. This self-hosting feature ensures full control over the podcast content, distribution, and monetization strategies, without dependence on third-party hosting services.
  3. Interactivity and Social Features: Castopod focuses on enhancing listener engagement. It includes features that allow podcasters to interact with their audience directly through comments, likes, and other social media-like interactions.
  4. Support for the Latest Standards: The platform is designed to support the latest podcasting standards, including new tags and technologies that enhance podcast discoverability and listener experience.
  5. Monetization Options: By controlling their own hosting, podcasters using Castopod can explore various monetization strategies, such as direct sponsorships, subscription models, or donations, without sharing revenue with hosting platforms.
  6. Ease of Use: Despite its advanced features, Castopod aims to be user-friendly, allowing podcasters to easily manage and publish their episodes.
  7. Community Support: Being open-source, Castopod benefits from a community of developers and users who contribute to its development, provide support, and share best practices.

Castopod is part of a broader movement towards decentralized and creator-controlled media platforms, offering an alternative to mainstream podcast hosting services.

To find out more about Castopod, go to .
If you want to test Castopod for free and get your own instance up and running in less that 5mn, go to !

What is the PodcastIndex?

Podcastindex is an initiative aimed at creating an open, categorized, and accessible index of podcasts from around the world.
It seeks to provide a non-commercial, decentralized repository of podcast information that can be used by developers, listeners, and podcast creators.

The main goals of Podcastindex include:

  1. Openness and Accessibility: Offering a freely accessible index of podcasts that isn't controlled by a commercial entity. This is to ensure that the database remains unbiased and available to everyone.
  2. Decentralization: Avoiding centralization which often leads to control by a few large entities, thereby potentially limiting free speech and creativity in podcast content.
  3. Community-Driven: Relying on contributions from a wide range of sources, including independent developers and podcast enthusiasts, to build and maintain the database.
  4. Innovation Support: Providing a resource that developers can use to create new and innovative podcast-related applications, tools, and services.

Podcastindex operates as an alternative to other podcast directories that are often controlled by major corporations. It emphasizes freedom of speech and diversity of content, aiming to include a wide range of podcasts without the sort of content moderation or editorial control seen in some other platforms. This approach is particularly appealing to independent podcast creators and listeners who seek a more open and diverse podcasting ecosystem.

To find out more about PodcastIndex, go to .

What is OP3?

The Open Podcast Prefix Project (OP3) is a free, open-source podcast prefix analytics service dedicated to open data and listener privacy.
Podcasters or hosting companies can add the OP3 prefix to their episode URLs to participate and measure downloads.
This service offers public stats pages with detailed download metrics, ensuring listener privacy.

It differs from other analytics services by being open and auditable, with its codebase and deployment actions available on GitHub.
OP3 operates on a global CDN, offering fast redirect services and contributing to its large-scale download measurement across numerous shows.

To find out more about OP3, go to .

Last Update: 26 July 2024