Legal Notice


This website was designed by Ad Aures , a company registered in Paris, France, 58 rue Tiquetonne, under the RCS number 880658745.


Publication director

Benjamin Bellamy.

Hosting company

OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
Phone: +33 8 99 70 17 61
Fax: +33 3 20 20 09 58

Privacy Policy

Your personal data are protected by French laws #78-17 (6 January 1978) , #2004-801 (6 August 2004) , and the Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 .
For any question regarding personal data collected, please contact .


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If you are the owner of a podcast, name, logo, brand or trademark present on this website and if you want it corrected or removed, please send an e-mail to .

Limitation of liability

This site contains information made available by external communities or companies or hypertext links to other sites that were not developed by Ad Aures SAS. Content made available on the site is provided for information purposes only. The existence of a link of this site to another site does not constitute a validation of that site, or of its content. It is up to the Internet user to use these information with discernment and critical thinking. The responsibility of Ad Aures SAS could not be committed because of the information, opinions and recommendations made by third parties.
Ad Aures SAS cannot be held liable for direct or consequential damages caused to the user’s material, when accessing the site, and resulting either from the use of equipment that does not meet the technical specifications required, either from the appearance of a bug or of incompatibility.
Ad Aures SAS cannot also be held responsible for indirect damages (such as a loss of market or a loss of a chance) resulting from the use of the site.

Contractual limitations on technical data

Ad Aures SAS cannot be held responsible for material damages linked to the use of the site. In addition, the user of the site undertakes to access the site using recent material, not containing viruses and with an up-to-date browser.


This website was built with the following libraries:

FM Radio Tuning Sweep by David Bain released under the Creative Commons 0 license.

Last Update: 27 July 2024